Infosecurity Europe
3-5 June 2025
ExCeL London

High Performance Podcasters Share Crisis-Ready Behaviours at Infosecurity Europe 

Jake Humphrey and Professor Damian Hughes, the dynamic duo behind the hit High Performance Podcast, will deliver an inspiring keynote presentation on day two of Infosecurity Europe 2024.

Known for their insightful conversations with top performers across various industries, Humphrey and Hughes will share their expertise in peak performance to the event.

They will delve into the non-negotiable behaviours that lead to success, sharing anecdotes and examples from their guests who have reached the pinnacle of their respective fields.

The High Performance Podcast turns the lived experiences of the planet's high performers into life lessons. Humphrey and Hughes will look beyond the guest's achievements and consider how they developed their mindset, what gives them confidence and how they navigate adversity.

Jake Humphrey, High Performance Podcaster, commented: “We’ll be sharing our unique insights into the non-negotiable behaviours of some of the planet’s highest performers in their field, to provide an opportunity to learn from, develop and action these to achieve high performance in any role. From over 250 guests, we will highlight previous guests in the tech industry to reveal how they have reached their goals and aspirations.”

Professor Damian Hughes added: "The cybersecurity industry is incredibly fast-paced and complex, with burnout a real issue, so we’ll specifically look at how to handle high-pressure situations like a cyber-attack, to rationally approach the unknown."

Renowned sports broadcaster, Jake Humphrey, has hosted some of the biggest sporting events in the world, showcasing his ability to perform under pressure and excel in high-stakes environments.

Meanwhile, Professor Damian Hughes, a leading sports psychologist and author, combines his practical and academic background to help organisations and teams create cultures of high performance.

How to Perform when Under Cyber-Attack 

As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, the two Podcasters will explore how to perform when under attack.

A recent report by Infosecurity Europe found that social engineering, human error and supply chain vulnerabilities were identified as significant concerns by a third (33%) of the respondents.

The Infosecurity survey also revealed that ransomware and AI-generated attacks were weighing heavily on the minds of cybersecurity leaders.

Almost 40% of the respondents stated that these issues were accelerating investments into cyber defences. This underscores the urgency for professionals to stay updated on the latest trends and strategies in order to effectively protect against these evolving threats.

The podcasters will shed light on the complex challenges faced by professionals in the cybersecurity industry and the behaviours required to remain resilient.

Nicole Mills, Exhibition Director at Infosecurity Group, added: “The event continues to bring to light new and emerging technologies to help businesses tackle the threats of cybersecurity and we’ve come to expect great insight from our speakers on the growing challenges within the industry.”

“The High Performance Podcasters bring something entirely different and engaging to enable attendees to look at themselves and their behaviours when it comes to handling an attack and how to remain resilient under pressure.”


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