Infosecurity Europe
3-5 June 2025
ExCeL London



To celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we have run a day of virtual conference sessions, supported by AT&T Cybersecurity,  to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and ensuring that we all have the resources needed to be safer and more secure online. 

The overarching theme for Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021 is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” The theme empowers individuals and organisations to own their role in protecting their part of cyberspace, stressing personal accountability and the importance of taking proactive steps to enhance cybersecurity.

Sessions are now On-Demand; just scroll down to see the agenda and registe

10:00 – 10:40 (BST)
SpeakersLisa Plaggemier, Executive Director, National Cyber Security Alliance  & Oz Alashe, CEO, CybSafe

Why do we do the things we know we shouldn’t, and not do the things we know we should?  Take password managers: most of us know they’re an easy, useful tool that enhances our security, but not enough of us actually use them. What’s the reason behind this? In this session we'll explore the findings from the National Cyber Security Alliance’s annual survey into the American public's attitudes and beliefs about security through a behavioural science lens. With some audience participation, we'll identify potential drivers and barriers towards secure habits.

11:00 – 11:45 (BST)
Derrick Johnson, National Practice Lead & Bindu Sundaresan, Director, Cybersecurity, AT&T

As digital transformation initiatives accelerate, CSOs require a deep and accurate understanding about their organisation’s cyber risk. Understanding the details of your risk, what should be prioritised and how it can be effectively reduced, is the best foundation to build a holistic plan for managing threats across the organisation. Join us for a fireside chat, where our team will discuss what your priorities should be as you work towards Cyber Resilience now and into 2022. This practical discussion will also include steps you can take to help build resilience now, especially when the future feels less than certain.

12:00 – 12:25 (BST)
 Mary Blackowiak, Lead Product Marketing Manager & Lisa Ashjian, Lead Product Marketing Manager, AT&T

Your security is only as effective as the people managing it. Join us for a conversation on two of AT&T’s leading managed solutions; AT&T Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and AT&T Managed Endpoint Security with SentinelOne.  During this session, our team will discuss how we develop strategies for large multinational clients that address the planning and budgeting required to realise a SASE deployment. We will also discuss how we detect and respond to security threats faster in their SAAS services, cloud infrastructure, corporate networks, and remote endpoints.

12:30 – 13:00 (BST)
SpeakerJenny Radcliffe, Founder & Director, Human Factor Security

In recent years, Social engineering incidents have become more destructive and impactful in nature and scope. With the potential to severely impact business processes and the data needed to operate and deliver critical services. Against the backdrop of a complex and growing cyber threat landscape, it’s simply not enough to have an IT security policy in place.
This talk explains how information and cybersecurity professionals can adjust and move forward. You will learn how to reframe your security posture as a significant business enabler to support agility, innovation and growth as well as being a competitive differentiator.

13:15 - 14:00 (BST)
SpeakerMark Walker, Security Solutions Lead, EMEIA, Jamf

A talk focussing on the unique details of what macOS brings to security, how the underlying architecture is different, and why security tools have to learn how to adapt.  During the talk we will dive deep into how the M1 processor and continuing Apple development on security and privacy is changing the security landscape, and why and how that changes what malware may look like in the future.

14:15 – 15:00 (BST)
SpeakersSarah Armstrong-Smith, Chief Security Advisor, Microsoft | Ceri Jones, Technology Security Manager, Natwest & Martin Riley, Director of Managed Security Services, Bridewell Consulting

Whilst the move to hybrid working has enabled organisations to maintain productivity, it has also introduced new risks to business operations as cyber threats evolve and proliferate. In addition to the growing external cybersecurity adversaries, organisations have reported a rise of insider threats. Albeit 80% of all insider risk activity is non-malicious, the average cost of insider incidents has climbed to $8.76 million therefore, accidental or malicious, its important organisations have a lens on those activities. This thought-provoking discussion will cover an overview of insider risk, the recent trends surrounding the subject and provide a view on the human element of security - why current processes aren't working, and the imperative for a new approach.

15:00 – 15:25 (BST)
Speaker: David Thomason, WW Director of Solution Architects, NoName Security

Security teams are challenged to modernize application security practices in light of accelerating shifts to DevOps delivery models and rapid adoption of cloud-native application designs. Applications built on microservices (e.g. serverless, containers, APIs) and delivered continuously are outpacing application security teams ability to secure them. CISOs need to consider new skills, new touch points and new platforms to maintain a strong security posture in light of these trends and the speed at which they are reshaping IT.

15:30 – 15:55 (BST)
Speaker: James Alliband Manager, Product Marketing, VMWare

The last eighteen months have seen the most profound changes to work in modern history. Recent digital transformation programmes have delivered five years progress in only five weeks, but the resulting cyberattack surface has expanded massively - an attractive target for hackers.

A different approach to security is crucial. That’s why modern ‘anywhere businesses’ are protecting their workloads and data with VMware Security to leverage existing infrastructure in new ways, shifting from reactivity to a proactive posture of strength, flexibility and agility.

In this unmissable session, find out how an ‘Anywhere Business’ can modernize and accelerate its response to threats.

16:00 – 16:30 (BST)
Speaker: Rik Ferguson, Vice President Security Research, Trend Micro

The COVID-19 pandemic inevitably looms large in cyber threat reporting for 2020. Exploitation of the pandemic, manifest in themed phishing, and cyber-enabled frauds, but also in the nation state arena with reported attempts to compromise the healthcare industry. Rapid virtualisation of businesses and education was likewise a key situational vulnerability and attack vector. Technological developments created both new possibilities and new threats. As we enter the 2020s, how can we look ahead and anticipate the future of cybercrime to enable governments, businesses and citizens to prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities of the coming decade?